46 research outputs found

    Contrasting biogeochemical characteristics of the Oubangui River and tributaries (Congo River basin)

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    The Oubangui is a major tributary of the Congo River. We describe the biogeochemistry of contrasting tributaries within its central catchment, with watershed vegetation ranging from wooded savannahs to humid rainforest. Compared to a 2-year monitoring record on the mainstem Oubangui, these tributaries show a wide range of biogeochemical signatures, from highly diluted blackwaters (low turbidity, pH, conductivity, and total alkalinity) in rainforests to those more typical for savannah systems. Spectral analyses of chromophoric dissolved organic matter showed wide temporal variations in the Oubangui compared to spatio-temporal variations in the tributaries, and confirm that different pools of dissolved organic carbon are mobilized during different hydrological stages. d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon ranged between -28.1 per mil and -25.8 per mil, and was strongly correlated to both partial pressure of CO2 and to the estimated contribution of carbonate weathering to total alkalinity, suggesting an important control of the weathering regime on CO2 fluxes. All tributaries were oversaturated in dissolved greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O, CO2), with highest levels in rivers draining rainforest. The high diversity observed underscores the importance of sampling that covers the variability in subcatchment characteristics, to improve our understanding of biogeochemical cycling in the Congo Basin.AFRIVAL: ‘‘African river basins: catchment-scale carbon fluxes and transformations’

    Hydroclimate variability from western Iberia (Portugal) during the Holocene: insights from a composite stalagmite isotope record

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Thatcher, D. L., Wanamaker, A. D., Denniston, R. F., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V. J., Fullick, D., Ummenhofer, C. C., Gillikin, D. P., & Haws, J. A. Hydroclimate variability from western Iberia (Portugal) during the Holocene: insights from a composite stalagmite isotope record. Holocene, (2020): 095968362090864, doi:10.1177/0959683620908648.Iberia is predicted under future warming scenarios to be increasingly impacted by drought. While it is known that this region has experienced multiple intervals of enhanced aridity over the Holocene, additional hydroclimate-sensitive records from Iberia are necessary to place current and future drying into a broader perspective. Toward that end, we present a multi-proxy composite record from six well-dated and overlapping speleothems from Buraca Gloriosa (BG) cave, located in western Portugal. The coherence between the six stalagmites in this composite stalagmite record illustrates that climate (not in-cave processes) impacts speleothem isotopic values. This record provides the first high-resolution, precisely dated, terrestrial record of Holocene hydroclimate from west-central Iberia. The BG record reveals that aridity in western Portugal increased secularly from 9.0 ka BP to present, as evidenced by rising values of both carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotope values. This trend tracks the decrease in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation and parallels Iberian margin sea surface temperatures (SST). The increased aridity over the Holocene is consistent with changes in Hadley Circulation and a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Centennial-scale shifts in hydroclimate are coincident with changes in total solar irradiance (TSI) after 4 ka BP. Several major drying events are evident, the most prominent of which was centered around 4.2 ka BP, a feature also noted in other Iberian climate records and coinciding with well-documented regional cultural shifts. Substantially, wetter conditions occurred from 0.8 ka BP to 0.15 ka BP, including much of the ‘Little Ice Age’. This was followed by increasing aridity toward present day. This composite stalagmite proxy record complements oceanic records from coastal Iberia, lacustrine records from inland Iberia, and speleothem records from both northern and southern Spain and depicts the spatial and temporal variability in hydroclimate in Iberia.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported, in part, by the US National Science Foundation (Grants: #1804528 to ADW; #1804635 to RD; #1804132 to CCU; #1806025 to YA and VP; #1805163 to DPG; BCS-0455145, BCS-0612923, and BCS-1118155 to JAH)

    An international intercomparison of stable carbon isotope composition measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater

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    We report results of an intercomparison of stable carbon isotope ratio measurements in seawater dissolved inorganic carbon (δ 13C‐DIC) which involved 16 participating laboratories from various parts of the world. The intercomparison involved distribution of samples of a Certified Reference Material for seawater DIC concentration and alkalinity and a preserved sample of deep seawater collected at 4000 m in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. The between‐lab standard deviation of reported uncorrected values measured with diverse analytical, detection, and calibration methods was 0.11‰ (1σ ). The multi‐lab average δ 13C‐DIC value reported for the deep seawater sample was consistent within 0.1‰ with historical measured values for the same water mass. Application of a correction procedure based on a consensus value for the distributed reference material, improved the between‐lab standard deviation to 0.06‰. The magnitude of the corrections were similar to those used to correct independent data sets using crossover comparisons, where deep water analyses from different cruises are compared at nearby locations. Our results demonstrate that the accuracy/uncertainty target proposed by the Global Ocean Observing System (±0.05‰) is attainable, but only if an aqueous phase reference material for δ 13C‐DIC is made available and used by the measurement community. Our results imply that existing Certified Reference Materials used for seawater DIC and alkalinity quality control are suitable for this purpose, if a “Certified” or internally consistent “consensus” value for δ 13C‐DIC can be assigned to various batches.publishedVersio

    Rapid Environmental Change over the Past Decade Revealed by Isotopic Analysis of the California Mussel in the Northeast Pacific

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    The anthropogenic input of fossil fuel carbon into the atmosphere results in increased carbon dioxide (CO2) into the oceans, a process that lowers seawater pH, decreases alkalinity and can inhibit the production of shell material. Corrosive water has recently been documented in the northeast Pacific, along with a rapid decline in seawater pH over the past decade. A lack of instrumentation prior to the 1990s means that we have no indication whether these carbon cycle changes have precedence or are a response to recent anthropogenic CO2 inputs. We analyzed stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) of decade-old California mussel shells (Mytilus californianus) in the context of an instrumental seawater record of the same length. We further compared modern shells to shells from 1000 to 1340 years BP and from the 1960s to the present and show declines in the δ13C of modern shells that have no historical precedent. Our finding of decline in another shelled mollusk (limpet) and our extensive environmental data show that these δ13C declines are unexplained by changes to the coastal food web, upwelling regime, or local circulation. Our observed decline in shell δ13C parallels other signs of rapid changes to the nearshore carbon cycle in the Pacific, including a decline in pH that is an order of magnitude greater than predicted by an equilibrium response to rising atmospheric CO2, the presence of low pH water throughout the region, and a record of a similarly steep decline in δ13C in algae in the Gulf of Alaska. These unprecedented changes and the lack of a clear causal variable underscores the need for better quantifying carbon dynamics in nearshore environments

    Environmental Predictors of Diversity in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera as Recorded in Marine Sediments

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    Š 2016 Fenton et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. [4.0 license]. The attached file is the published version of the article

    A large metabolic carbon contribution to the d 13 C record in marine aragonitic bivalve shells

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    Abstract It is well known that the incorporation of isotopically light metabolic carbon (C M C, on the other hand, did exhibit a negative relationship with shell height indicating that respired CO 2 does influence the d 13 C value of internal fluids and that the amount of respired CO 2 is related to the size or age of the bivalve. The percent metabolic C incorporated into the shell (%C M ) was significantly higher (up to 37%, with a range from 5% to 37%) than has been found in other bivalve shells, which usually contain less than 10%C M . Interestingly, the hemolymph did contain less than 10%C M , suggesting that complex fractionation might occur between hemolymph and calcifying fluids. Simple shell biometrics explained nearly 60% of the observed variability in %C M , however, this is not robust enough to predict %C M for fossil shells. Thus, the metabolic effect on shell d 13 C cannot easily be accounted for to allow reliable d 13 C DIC reconstructions. However, there does seem to be a common effect of size, as all sites had indistinguishable slopes between the %C M and shell height (+0.19% per mm of shell height)